Tuesday 11 December 2012


 Western Circuit Cultural Festival WCCF managed by Lake Victoria Tourism Association (LVTA) hosted the first ever Cultural Festival and Exhibition in the circuit with a theme – UNITY IN DIVERSITY.  The event which will be an annual high profile event in line with the cultural festival, attracted participation from both local and international cultural trade partners.
Objectives of the expo were as follows:
  • To establish and develop the WCCF exhibition as a Regional Cultural Exhibition in the Western Circuit that will be a focal point in Kenya tourism
  • To generate new business for local industry partners by hosting selected key buyers from source markets in line with LVTA overall strategy.
  • To position and showcase Western Circuit as an up market high value and safe destination offering unparalleled diversity of tourism diversity
Some of the exhibitors who participated in the expo included
  • Kenya Wildlife Service
  • El suco travel and tours
  • Equity Bank
  • Kenya Tourism Board
  • Brookside LTD
  • Kisinde and Maili Saba Lodge
  • Bike Ventures
  • Federation of Community Based Tourism Organization
  • Imperial Hotel
  • Ecobank
  • Kenya Commercial Bank
  • Bondo University
This year’s exhibition which took place from the 21st -23rd November 2012 at the Jomo Kenyatta sports ground and on the 24th November 2012 at Impala park Sanctuary during the KWS Boat Racing Event saw many local visitors attend to enjoy and participate in the immense cultural diversity the region has to offer including:
  • Traditional foods
  • Local Music
  • Traditional dances
  • Tero Buru
  • Traditional culture and heritage
  • Local folklore and stories
  • Local wildlife

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